
Our Church Roots Run Deep!

SCC’s roots were planted by Fellowship Bible Church of Northwest Arkansas back in 1989 and, while we are now a stand-alone 501(c)3, we cherish those roots and continue to dig new ground to plant and establish roots with church partnerships throughout our four-county region. SCC believes that by working together with local churches, we can create partnerships that provide true beacons of hope to the hurting and hungry in our communities.

Your Church


How SCC wants to help your church


With so many people coming to the church in need, church resources are often quickly overwhelmed. We have seven different community services to offer, plus the assistance of our Samaritan Shop resale stores. We can provide you a listing of all program services in English, Spanish and Marshallese , both in printed and PDF format.


If you do not yet have church community outreach programs, we can provide your congregation with ways to minister to the poor of NWA. If you offer services (i.e. food pantry and other community outreach programs) to the community, SCC can assist your church with community outreach by adding those to our Resource Lists. For churches that offer programs similar to ours, we often share excess in-kind donations as they come in.

How your church can help SCC


  • Encourage your missions committee to include SCC as part of its local missions budget
  • Arrange to have a love offering collected for SCC
  • Hold a church fundraiser for SCC (pie auction, chili supper, garage sale, etc.)
  • Donate funds here


  • Volunteer as a group to serve in one of our many programs
  • Coordinate a donation drive
  • Participate in our back-to-school event by sponsoring a booth
  • Seek business donations through church member connections


  • Invite SCC staff and volunteers to speak to small groups, Bible study groups, Sunday School classes, or during church services
  • Pray for SCC, our clients, volunteers, and families
  • Seek opportunities to educate on these key issues as well as promote volunteer and financial needs of SCC through announcements, church bulletins, and newsletters